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Nairobi set to host third regional science, Technology and innovation conference
Published: March,4 2024 11:43 AM(EAT)
East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) and Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) will jointly host the 3rd EAC Regional Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Conference in Nairobi.
The conference, to be held from March 6-8, 2024 has been convened under the theme of “Accelerating development and diffusion of science, technology and innovation solutions for a green, inclusive and resilient East Africa”.
The biennial meeting builds on the deliberations and success of the 1st and 2nd conferences, which were respectively held in Kampala, Uganda in 2019 and Bujumbura, Burundi in 2021.
The conference will bring together diverse actors in the STI system, including policymakers, industry players, academicians, researchers, innovators, students and development partners.
The conference aims to be a multifaceted platform for the STI players in the EAC region and beyond to share their experiences, best practices and results within the knowledge and technology generation, translation and transfer chain.
It consist of keynote presentations, paper presentations, panel discussions, exhibitions and high-level policymaker interaction sessions.
The conference engagement sessions will be structured into four thematic areas, namely: Agricultural Productivity, Resilience and Food
Security; Health and Nutrition; Natural Resources Management; and Information Communication Technology and Digital Economy.
Under Agricultural Productivity, sub-themes will include Climate Change Mitigation and Carbon Sequestration; Precision Agriculture Technologies and Data Science in Agriculture; Genetic and Genomic Research for Resilient Crop Varieties; Soil Sciences for improved Soil Health; Food Systems, including supply chains, distribution, and waste management; andValue Addition and Agribusiness.
Under health and Nutrition, sub-themes will include Communicable Diseases; Non-Communicable Diseases; Maternal and Child Health and Reproductive Health; Nutrition and growth and Medicines and Vaccines.
Sub-themes under Natural Resources Management include Biodiversity; Bio-economy; Fisheries and Aquaculture; Forestry and agroforestry; Oil, Gas and Minerals.
Information Communication Technology and Digital Economy sub-themes are Artificial Intelligence; Embedded systems; ICT for X (government, commerce, agriculture, etc.); Internet of Things (IoT), and Inclusive Digital services.
All full paper submissions at the conference will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research depth, accuracy and relevance to the conference theme and topics.
The accepted peer-reviewed papers will be published in the East African Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation (EAJSTI) to boost the dissemination of research findings within the region and improve regional visibility and competitiveness.
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